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Mattresses Pocket

Memory foam 1 cm HR 20 Kg/m3 and 1 cm Stretch Fabric 250 grs Side A-B HR 25 Kg/m3 and 2,5 cm Pocket spring block with reinforced perimeter box (14 cm) Core Mattress 22 cm
Length/Width 80/90 105/110 120/135 140/150 160
180/190 x x x x x
200 x x x x x
Memory foam 1 cm HR 20 Kg/m3 and 1 cm Stretch Fabric 250 grs Side A-B HR 20 Kg/m3 and 1,5 cm Pocket spring block with reinforced perimeter box (14 cm) Core Mattress 20 cm
Length/Width 80/90 105/110 120/135 140/150 160
180/190 x x x x
200 x x x x
Pocket springs Weight independence Memory foam Quality system Anatomical Data sheet

Mattresses Pocket

Memory foam 1 cm
HR 20 Kg/m3 and 1 cm
Stretch Fabric 250 grs
Side A-B
HR 25 Kg/m3 and 2,5 cm
Pocket spring block with reinforced perimeter box (14 cm)
Mattress 22 cm
Memory foam 1 cm
HR 20 Kg/m3 and 1 cm
Stretch Fabric 250 grs
Side A-B
HR 20 Kg/m3 and 1,5 cm
Pocket spring block with reinforced perimeter box (14 cm)
Mattress 20 cm
Pocket springs
Weight independence
Memory foam
Quality system


Home / Catalogue /

Mattresses Pocket

Memory foam 1 cm
HR 20 Kg/m3 and 1 cm

Stretch Fabric 250 grs
Side A-B
HR 25 Kg/m3 and 2,5 cm
Pocket spring block with reinforced perimeter box (14 cm)
Mattress 22 cm

Length/Width 80/90 105/110 120/135 140/150 160
180/190 x x x x x
200 x x x x x

Memory foam 1 cm
HR 20 Kg/m3 and 1 cm

Stretch Fabric 250 grs
Side A-B
HR 20 Kg/m3 and 1,5 cm
Pocket spring block with reinforced perimeter box (14 cm)
Mattress 20 cm

Length/Width 80/90 105/110 120/135 140/150 160
180/190 x x x x
200 x x x x

Pocket springs

Weight independence

Memory foam

Quality system


Data sheet


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